Actions you can do right away
Delete 100 emails, empty your spam or junk folder and unsubscribe from email lists you don't want
Pledge to have a cold shower once a week or turn off the hot water for the last five minutes of your shower
Instead of turning on the AC wear light, loose clothing, close the curtains, turn off lamps and heat generating appliances

Actions that take some planning
Commit to a meat free Monday and get the family on board
Change the way you commute by walking and using public transport instead of driving
One night a week have a candle lit dinner with friends or family

Community Action
Bike to Work or School Day
Time to get your feet moving for the planet! This year join your community riding to work on National Ride2Work Day on Wednesday 16 October 2024.
Grab some workmates, or friends in the neighbourhood and register to take part. To sign up and get more information go here. New to riding? Get some great tips here on choosing your bike, planning your route and staying safe.
Want to ride to school instead of taking the bus or going by car? Ride2 School is nationwide program that helps students get physically active on their journey to school. And the evidence is in. Students who ride or walk to school contribute to their minimum physical activity level of 60 minutes per day. They are also more focused and ready to learn compared to those who are driven. For more information about Ride 2 School go here.
By swapping the car, train or bus for a bike, you can get your recommended daily exercise without having to spend extra time or money at the gym. And you’ll be healthier for it and you’ll feel good doing something for the environment!
Time to get your feet moving for the planet! This year join your community riding to work on National Ride2Work Day on Wednesday 16 October 2024.
Grab some workmates, or friends in the neighbourhood and register to take part. To sign up and get more information go here. New to riding? Get some great tips here on choosing your bike, planning your route and staying safe.
Want to ride to school instead of taking the bus or going by car? Ride2 School is nationwide program that helps students get physically active on their journey to school. And the evidence is in. Students who ride or walk to school contribute to their minimum physical activity level of 60 minutes per day. They are also more focused and ready to learn compared to those who are driven. For more information about Ride 2 School go here.
By swapping the car, train or bus for a bike, you can get your recommended daily exercise without having to spend extra time or money at the gym. And you’ll be healthier for it and you’ll feel good doing something for the environment!